Senin, 30 April 2012

Some interviews

Mulai dari post ini, kita akan mundur ke belakang. Maksud gue, waktunya makin ke belakang gitu, soalnya gue akan berusaha buat nge-catch up apa-apa aja yang udah ketinggalan :)

Anyway, kita akan mulai dengan Justin di acara Ridiculousness, di mana dia bakal ada di season 2 episode pertama. Take a look :)

Udah gitu, ada juga interview Justin di Big FM. Cekidot videonya aja ya :)

Dan kemudian ada interview Justin di BBC Breakfast. Kalo yang ini ada beberapa foto kok :)

Dan ini videonya :)

Selain itu, ada interview Justin di soal gimana dia senang berbagi :)

Sementara itu, ini ada video Justin buat ITV Daybreak about his new single, Boyfriend. Cekidot :)

Dan kemudian ada video Justin pas di studio interview radio gitu soal Boyfriend dan juga jeng jeng jeng, Kiss Breakfast Takeaway :)

Dan ini dia video yang penuh kontroversi itu, si Justin wawancara sama si Reggie Yates, yang KATANYA, dia ngehina Indonesia dan bilang itu 'random country'

Anyway, terakhir adalah ini video Justin ngasih message ke Olivia, seorang belieber yang bakal menjalani operasi konstruksi kaki, karena Celebral Palsy. See? He cares!

That's it people! isn't it alot? Enjoy ya :)

~ Ribka ~

At Fuerza Bruta

Abis dari Tribeca, Justin ngabur ke acara Usher di New York. Hari itu ada "Looking For Myself" listening event yang diadain di Fuerza Bruta, New York. And here some pictures :)

Justin Bieber attends Usher’s ‘Looking For Myself’ listening event with Fuerza Bruta New York City on April 27.
Another picture of Justin attending Usher’s ‘Looking For Myself’ listening event with Fuerza Bruta New York City on April 27.

Justin and Usher at Fuerza Bruta tonight

They looks so happy, tapi lo gatau gimana si Justin pas pulang kan? Udah kayak dihadang reman njir gayanya -___-"

Justin leaving Usher’s show yesterday

Another picture of Justin arriving at Fuerza Bruta yesterday  Justin arriving at Fuerza Bruta - April 27

Tapi gitu gitu Justin masih sempet foto sama fans koooook :) ya ampun cowok gue emang paling baik sejagat raya beneran deh :*

Justin with fan - April 27  Justin with a fan last night

Anyway, biar ga basi-basi banget, gue nebeng video aja deh ya di post ini ;p Masih nyambung kok. Ini soal Justin nanggepin tentang craziest fans nya dia pas di London. Kalo ga salah dia juga ngetweet soal ini kok. Cekidot :)

~ Ribka ~

Boyfriend May 2nd

Kalo kemaren si Justin sempet bilang MV Boyfriend itu keluarnya tanggal 8 Mei, Scooter bilang kalo itu keluar 2 Mei, dan well, emang nyatanya bakal jadi 2 Mei. Gue ga ngerti apakah itu karna si Scooter salah ucap tapi mau, atau si Justin yang salah ngasi info. Yang jelas, YOU GUYS BETTER BE READY!


And here, some picture buat Boyfriend :)

Justin Bieber - Believe

Justin Bieber - Believe
Mampus kan lo jiper diliatin Justin wayoooo!

@KennyHamilton: Putting the finishing touches on the album and it’s gonna be special! @justinbieber and @kanyewest #Believe
@KennyHamilton: Putting the finishing touches on the album and it’s gonna be special! @justinbieber and @kanyewest #Believe

Oh, and yeah baby, BELIEVE IS ON THE WAY. Get yourself ready for it!

the Believe album cover (deluxe edition)

~ Ribka ~

Tribeca Film Festival

Tanggal 27 kemaren, Justin bareng sama Scooter ngehadirin acara The 3rd Annual Tribeca Film Festival di New York. Di saat media-media Indonesia lebe banget ngeberitain soal news ga penting cari sensasi, Justin selaw selaw aja tuh melenggang di red carpetnya Tribeca, dan pose disana, dan mencium cewek-cewek yang histeris jejeritan.


Anyway, gue bakal nampilin artikel penuh gambar, foto dan video gitu. Jadi pastikan kuota lo masih cukup, dan hati lo masih kuat. Soalnya lo bakal ngerasa envy sama beberapa foto. Jauhkan pisau, garpu, benda tajam apapun, bahkan sedotan. Dan yah well, jangan sempet keputer lagu That Should Be Me. JANGAN!

Justin Bieber arrives at a function for the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City ·04/27/2012


Oke, kayaknya ada yang ke skip. Yak, bagian yang bakal bikin lo galau. Sebelum kita masuk ke red carpet, mari kita mundur dulu ke bagian waktu Justin baru nyampe dan masih di luar (baca: masih sempet nyiumin beliebers)

eeaaaa yang galau yang galau, pisonya mbak, gergaji gergaji marurah ya maruraaaaah!

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Be jealous bitches!

Gue yakin, abis baca ini, lo semua bakal E to the N to the V to the Y alias Jelly alias SIRIK BERAT. Sumpah gue aja mau nangis gitu kan ini sebenarnya. THAT SHOULD BE ME!

Oke, sebelumnya, gue udah ga online seminggu, daaaan, gue ga janji bakal update apa aja yg terjadi seminggu ini. Tapi paling ga ntar gue coba catch up satu-satu. itu juga kalo gue niat ngetik lama-lama dan panjang-panjang.

Anyway, kembali ke topic. Kenapa lo bakal envy? Cekidot!

Oh lo belom envy? Masih pelukan doang? Sabar sabar, nih nih gue kasih

Itu kan pas di Tribeca Film Festival tanggal 27 kemaren, nah ini ada yang lebih gress lagi people. BARU KEMAREN. Mampus, kalo galau gue ga tanggung jawab yak ;p

Justin with a fan today Another fan photo 

Oh tenang, masih ada yang bikin lebih galau

Itu gimana ceritanya bisa ngeinterview Justin hah? HAH? Sampe ada banyak foto Justin meluk meluk cewek itu lho. Dan dimention juga ditwitter. Dan AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
ps: gue punya sweater YMCMB kayak gitu lhoooo, PERSIS sama kayak gitu, warna merah tulisannya item, dulu gue jual soalnya #promosi :p

Ini satu lagi video bikin envy. Mereka bisa NANYA LANGSUNG ke Justin. ada 5 pertanyaan yang dijawab Justin. cekidot!

Justin Bieber Interview With Hitradio Ö3 (Austria) (Questions are in german)
Question 1: Hi, i’m Lara and I’m from Vienna. I’d like to know if you’ve been in love with a fan?
Question 2: Hello, here is Hannah and my question to Justin Bieber is: How long does it take to style your hair in the morning? I’d really like to know that.
Question 3: Hey Justin, how do you feel if paparazzi follow you all the time? Isn’t that annoying?
Question 4: Will you take a girl on stage at the Believe Tour?
Question 5: Hey Justin, here is Jassi and I love you so much and i’d be so happy if you would come to Austria someday!

Kalo masih belum total juga envynya, gue masih punya 1 hal lagi nih. Yang ini aduh gue ga paham lagi deh.

Justin Bieber’s Biggest Fan
Chosen Superfans will have the opportunity to have their stories taped and aired on VEVO.comOne Superfan will have the opportunity tomeet Justin himself!!If you live in the SoCal area (Los Angeles area ONLY) and are between the ages of 15-25, we want you!You will need to be available for filming May 1st & 2nd in the Los Angeles area

Lo tau gak? Bakal ada belieber terpilih yang bakal direkam dan ditayangkan di channel vevo. Dan, 1 orang belieber terpilih yang beruntung bakal KETEMU JUSTIN LANGSUNG dan have time bedua gitu. KYA KYAAAAA! Ini khusus buat belieber yang umurnya 15 sampe 25 tahun, dan acara ngerekamnya bakal diadain tanggal 1 sama 2 Mei besok, KHUSUS AREA LOS ANGELES SAJA.

Bagaimana pemirsa? Masih belum galau? Apa udah sayat sayat tangan pake sedotan? Secara showeran udah gabisa mengingat kamar mandi lagi rusak.

So? Be jealous to all that beliebers above, bitches!

~ Ribka ~

Selasa, 24 April 2012

Be ready for BELIEVE

Another person that went to the Believe playback

So since Believe bakal keluar bentar lagi, lo pasti pengen tau lah kan ini info info terbaru gitu kan? Nih lo baca sendiri aja ya, ini langsung dari UK, tempat Justin ngeplay Believe buat Club ini *envy njir*

At London’s Supper Club, The UK media had the first play of Bieber’s new Album which is heavily influenced by big production R&B with club songs. The best tracks ran old school soul jam & guitar-based solos.

Justin Bieber has recorded 40 songs for his new album. He’s says that he’s got something to prove with it and reckons people will be “blown away

The First track of his new album is called ‘Die In Your Arms’ it is a mid-tempo R&B ballad with an “old school vibe to it”

‘All Around The World’ is a serous club banger + the male equivalent of Britney’s Till The World Ends. Ludacris even features on it!!

Justin says track ‘Believe’ is “a song I wrote for my fans. The lyrics are about how they inspired me”. He said it means a lot to him

Believe lyrics: “Everything starts from something. Something would mean nothing”.
It  has a gospel feel to it and Justin says it means a lot as he wrote it on his birthday.

Right Here which will feature Drake! Other album artists include Taylor Swift, Kayne, Diplo and Timberland

‘Thought Of You’ is a big pop number produced by Diplo. Lyrics “I’m in love with the thought of you and the things you do”.

‘Be Alright’ is simply Justin with a guitar + no production. He says “it sounds like a mix between Fergie + Jesus!” It’s rather a Cute ballad and is pefect for his fan base.

Justin wrote ‘Be Alright’ while on a plane to Indonesia last year and recorded it in a make-shift studio when he landed

Justin Bieber revealed he has written a song about his experience of being accused of getting that crazed girl preggers by Mariah Yeater.

‘As Long As You Love Me’ is also a massive club banger. It’s got tonnes of bass and serious epic. The song is Produced by Rodney Jerkins

Justin says that’s one of his fave songs on the album. He’ll have a rapper feature but wants to keep it a surprise for fans

Lyrics for As Long As You Love Me include: “You could be my Destiny’s Child”

Justin Bieber says he has no plans for a One Direction or The Wanted duet but he’s pleased to see other young people doing so well

When it comes to love Justin Bieber says he prefers to do stuff from the heart than just buy gifts from the store.

Justin Bieber revealed plans for world tour & said he’s a good boyfriend because he’s ‘honest & patient” with girlfriends

The ‘Baby’ star also talked about collaborations with Taylor Swift, Drake, Ludacris & another big named rapper who he wouldn’t reveal.

Justin’s new album Believe is out June 18.

~ Ribka ~

Still in London, UK

Well people, gue bener bener deh yaaaa, bener bener envy abis sumpah sama Beliebers UK. Udahlah di bandara mereka bebas peluk peluk Justin gitu kan trus bisa poto bareng, dan kemudian, ah njir gue aja sampe gabisa mengungkapkannya dengan kata-kata. Lo cek aja deh nih foto-foto berikut ini

Nah tuh kan, udalah pas keluar bisa kayak gitu sama fans, nih selanjutnya lo cek aja gimana Justin pas di hotel. Siap siap envy tingkat Ujian Nasional deh lo semua

Justin lifting up his shirt from his hotel window for the fans another picture of justin showing his abs to the fans outside his hotel
Apa-apaan coba pake angkat angkat baju segala -____-"



But anyway people, ada kabar ga enaknya sih ini. Katanya, Justin pas baru turun dari pesawat, pas masih di bandara tuh, katanya Justin mukul kamera salah satu paparazzi gitu disana. Take a look.

More About Justin on US Magazine special

Gue udah pernah post sih ini sebenernya, tapi cuma singkat dan beberapa foto doang. But well, here you go fellas, detail lengkapnya dan beberapa foto hasil HD Scan dari majalahnya :")

Dan, apa aja yang jadi bahan perbincangan dan interview di dalam majalah itu? You better check it out!

First big milestone: You turned 18!Know what? I’m excited to not have to check in my mom at night. [Laughs] Every time we used to go somewhere, I had to let my mama know. She worries! But now that I’m 18, I don’t necessarily have to. It’s awesome.
Does she still treat you like a kid?
It’s hard for her to let go. We fight sometimes because she babies me a lot. But I know at the end of the day, she’s just being protective. 
Another big change. You’ve been living part-time in LA for the past year.
Yeah I miss the seasons. It’s always warm here. The seasons were good back in Canada. I definitely miss Stratford-going back to see my family and friends and stuff. I’ll probably get a house there, ultimately.
At least you get quality time with Selena. What do you love about her?

Just arrived at UK

Justin at Heathrow Airport in London

Tanggal 23 April tahun lalu Justin mungkin ada di Indonesia buat My World Tour. Tapi 23 April tahun ini, Justin touchdown London, dan bakal ada kayak tur kecil UK gitu sampe tanggal 25 mungkin. Well, dan di UK juga dia promo Believe dan Boyfriend MV dan segala macam. JELLY ENOUGH?

Post ini cuma kumpulan foto pas Justin nyampe aja :)

Justin with a fan at the airport

Bandingkan waktu Justin di Indonesia tahun lalu, cuma berapa yang bisa foto --"

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Still on Boyfriend Set


So you guys heard ya, dan pasti juga udah liat foto ini berkeliaran sepanjang hari ini. Yap, apa lagi kalo bukan Justin sama Sele

So yeah, we all know ya si Justin kan lagi di tempat buat set video clip Boyfriend gitu. Well, he changed his clotes to, yang pertama outfit itu, yang kedua dengan black varsity kulit gitu. Here more Justin picture on set

Dan kemudian, katanya Sele dateng gitu ke tempat Justin syuting video clip, dan yak, foto-foto berikut akan menjadi bukti bisu yang berbicara pemirsa. gue cuma bisa bilang hufftt

Boyfriend Music Video

Justin doing pushups

Justin on the set of Boyfriend. Gue gatau ya dia ganti baju sampe berapa kali. Tapi yang jelas ini ada 2 post, soal Justin dan Boyfriend MV. Nanti gue pisahin sama yang ada selenya, soalnya ini banyak banget njir ga boong gue. Oh, and this is full photo article, which is semuanya full foto gitu. Enjoy :)

Set pertama, Justin dengan mobil berwarna orange ini, dengan kaos putih dan jeans hitam, dipadu Gold Supras. Sepatu bisa dilihat di online shop admin seharga 400 ribu saja *lho* *promosi*

And this is close up Justin doang. Kiyut deh bebeb :*

Dan, adegan selanjutnya adalah Justin sama modelnya gitu. Lo mesti bener-bener tahan napas dan lapang dada ngeliatin ini semua, ga boong gue. Serius deh, gue aja ya langsung berniat bakal banyak sodakoh abis ini HAHAHHAHA #abaikan

Oke, yang pertama ini scene nya diatas atap-atap gitu deh, sama si cewek yang jadi model utama. Sekali lagi, banyak banyaklah menarik napas, berlapang dada, dan perbanyaklah beramal mulai dari sekarang nak


Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Oh Selena

Oke, jadi gue sebenernya ga niat sih ya ngepost ini, tapi secara si sele adalah 'wanita yang dekat dengan justin' dan jadi yah gitu deh, ada hubungan sama Justin, ya mau gimana?

Oke, pertama adalah yang soal Justin sama Sele pas Watching Lakers kemaren itu? Yang mereka akhirnya disorot sama kamera gitu dan akhirnya mereka ciuman itu lhoooooo. Yaudah lah, kalo ga inget ya terpaksa gue post lagi --"

Yang itu lhooooo. Nah, udah inget kan lo semua sekarang? Udah galau juga belom?

Okay, jadi pas di acara Ryan Seacrest gitu, Sele kan diwawancarain dan diinterview sama Ryan, yang nanya soal ini. Dan lo tau apa kata Sele?

“It’s the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, probably.
“They were showing these little elderly couples, and it was so cute. Then all of a sudden we’re both looking up and we come on the screen and it’s like… It was so awkward.
“It was so weird. I mean you have to kiss, right?”

Gila ya? kata sele itu tuh memalukan dan juga humiliated alias kayak mempermalukan dia gitu. Bzz banget kan -___-"

Dan kemudian, di acara The Insider, Sele juga jadi bintang tamunya gitu. Dan dia ditantang buat nebak parfum Justin. Jadi kan dikasi 3 parfum yang ga dilabelin gitu, dan si Sele disuruh nebak, yang mana yang parfum Someday. Dan jeng jeeeeeng, Justin salah nebak, dia bilang parfum PARIS adalah parfum SOMEDAY, akrna dia punya di rumah.

"I guess I'm a bad girlfriend," kata Sele kemudian. Dan walaupun gagal menebak, tapi kata Sele Justin itu selalu suka sama 'aroma' Sele, dan trus Sele bilang betapa kata-kata Justin itu beralasan dan juga berbobot, ga hanya karna dia itu seorang parfumer (bukan tukang parfum ye) tapi juga seorang cowok yang romantis.

Oh jadi itu alasannya? Justin mungkin cinta banget sama wewangian Sele sampe harus selalu sedeket ini sama sele?


~ Ribka ~

Billboard Music Award

So yeah, it confirmed. Katanya Justin bakal tampil di Billboar Music Award 2012 yang bakal diadain di MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, tanggal 20 Mei nanti, dan katanya bakal ditayangin di ABC

Dan jeng jeeeeeng, Justin juga masuk dalam 5 NOMINASI lhoooooo, kece kan kece kan? Congratz baby ntin :*

Congrats @justinbieber on 5 Billboard Nominations! (x)

Kalo misalnya ntar itu beneran ditayangin ABC, pas tanggal 20 nanti gue mungkin bakal share link streamingnya. Gue juga kan belum tau tuh jam berapa acaranya tayang.

Anywyay, gue sekalian mau post 2 video yak :) Yang pertama ini adalah Justin ngenalin Carly Rae gitu pas di daybreak

Yang kedua ini, Justin ngomongin soal Lakers sama Kobe


~ Ribka ~