Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Christmas In Washington DC

And YEAH! Justin celebrate Christmas in Washington DC, dengan presiden Barack Obama. This is not the first time tho. Kalian inget kan 2 tahun lalu juga, Justin main ke istana presiden dan nyanyiin Someday At Christmas disana.

And then, kemaren, Justin juga kembali mendapat kehormatan buat nyanyi di depan presiden. Sampe dia pake nge-tweet kalo presiden Barack bilang they're chilling hhehehe (: gaya bet si Justin gaulnya sama presiden :p



 dan baru tadi gue ngeliat blazer putih item kayak yg dipake Justin, dan gak gue beli. njir nyesel sumpah!

Oh, and this is the video (:

Anyway, here's some picture of the performance






What an amazing Christmas night over there I think ~

UPDATE : For you who wondering, yeah, Sele ikutan juga kok ke acara ini. And here's some pic waktu mereka di airport pas mau ninggalin Washington DC.

justin bieber Selena gomez leaving washington1 Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez @ Airport leaving Washington   justin bieber Selena gomez at airport leaving washington Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez @ Airport leaving Washington

~ Ribka ~

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