Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Shopping Time

So yeah, after back from Florida, Justin ngunjungin Sportiela, sebuah toko sepatu gitu, buat shopping. And well, mereka ngetweet foto Justin pas disana. Well, yeah so, here it is guys :)

@DomeFits: “Justin Bieber one of the nicest kids iv’e met. Just chillin up in @sportiela low key, straight family. iKon”
@DomeFits: “Justin Bieber one of the nicest kids iv’e met. Just chillin up in @sportiela low key, straight family. iKon”

Another @sportiela Bieber picture with one of the most wonderful, loving woman I know. Bieber loves her like a mother. Thank God for QueenB. iKon LA DOMEFITS MELROSE@justinbieber #justin #bieber #coolkid #ikon #sportiela {x}
Another @sportiela Bieber picture with one of the most wonderful, loving woman I know. Bieber loves her like a mother. Thank God for QueenB. iKon LA DOMEFITS MELROSE@justinbieber #justin #bieber #coolkid #ikon #sportiela

~ Ribka ~

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