Well, 2 hari yang lalu Justin kan di wawancara gitu di sebuah radio, dan katanya bakal ditanyain soal Believe album. Tapi, bahkan sebelum wawancara mulai, si pembawa acaranya langsung ngomong duluan kayak gini:
“Am I hearing this right, do you have Cody Simpson on your new CD? Okay good, you wouldn’t want him.”
Nah trus si Justin katanya ga suka gitu. Being such a gentleman, dia ngebelain Cody dan bilang ke si host itu supaya 'being nice' dalam hal bicara soal orang lain. Lagian, ngomongnya ga dijaga banget --" Nih, kalian bisa denger deh di video ini :
Nah trus kan katanya malemnya Popstar! chat bareng Cody dan bilang soal Justin yang belain dia. Dan Cody ngerasa seneng gitu, dan nanggapin kayak gini:
“It’s cool that Justin stood up for me, I think something that people are starting to see is that with everyone in the new generation it’s all love and everyone supports one another… Justin and I have a great relationship at the moment. He’s been an incredible encouragement to what I do, and obviously it showed in the interview that he’s not going to take any BS from people about friends and fellow artists.”
Kewl aite?
~ Ribka ~
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