Minggu, 08 April 2012

Believe and Boyfriend

Well okay, kembali fokus ke album. Tanggal 3 kemaren Justin ada interview ekslusip *ala sunda nih* sama Buzznet, ngomongin soal Believe yang bakal keluar dan juga soal tur. You better just read these :

Brittany H: What music are you currently listening to on Spotify/ipod?
Justin B: I listen to a lot Frank Ocean, Drake. With making this album I listened to a lot of Michael, he is a huge inspiration for me.

BH: What are your tour plans? Any surprises planned?
JB: We are hoping to start touring in the fall we’ll see, I love being on tour because that’s when I get to connect with my fans most.

BH: What’s something you wore 3 years ago that you look back now and wonder why you though it was cool?
JB: Nothing… I’m always Swag!

BH: What is your main goal for this upcoming album Believe?
JB: As always to make great music.

Well anyway people, Justin berhasil masuk ke BIllboard Hot 100, dimana selama ini Justin belum pernah masuk 3 besar Billboard buat single. Well, your dreams just came true babe. Cieeeee traktiran doooooong! Di seminggu pertama peluncuran albumnya, udah terjual lebih dari 559.000 copies of boyfriend dan dimainkan 3961 kali di US radio dengan rata-rata 31 kali dimainkan di setiap radio station. Padahal Never Say Never dulu cuma masuk di nomor 8 dan Baby di nomor 5.

Anyway, Justin masuk ke no.1 Billboard Social 50 chart minggu ini, dengan efek yang sangat luar biasa dari single terbarunya, Boyfriend. Justin 'menghajar' Rihanna dan 'melemparkannya' ke no 3. Boyfriend sendiri ada di urutan 2 dalam Billboard Hot 100 dan No. 1 di Billboard Canadian Hot 100, dan Hot Digital Songs Chart.

The Social 50 chart sendiri mengurutkan dari artis paling populer di Youtube, Vevo, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace dengan dilihat dari friends/fans/followers yang masuk ke page view artis dan berapa kali lagunya dimainkan dalam seminggu.

Well, congrats babe :*

~ Ribka ~

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