Next, ini ada video Justin sama Koko Pop
Dan kemudian, ada curahan hati (elah bahasa gue) wartawan Aussie gitu. Beberapa waktu lalu dia interview sama Justin tapi via telpon doang gitu. Gue ga bakal naro semua disini lah, lo bisa cek di tumblr gue ada kok udah gue reblog gitu soalnya disana. Jadi gue bakal pake bahasa Indonesia sama bagian pertanyaan dan jawabannya gue bikin bahasa Inggrisnya yak :)
Jadi ceritanya si wartawan ini udah kenal Justin dari pas beberapa tahun lalu, waktu Justin ada di Aussie buat konser tapi kemudian terlalu ramai sampe akhirnya konsernya dibatalin sama polisi karna banyak yang luka-luka. Dan well, kemudian dia dapet kesempatan buat wawancara Justin lewat telpon, dimana biasanya kalo mau wawancara cuma ada waktu 10 menit, tapi kali ini dia dapet waktu 15 menit. What an honor!
“Hey, whass going on?” a voice drawls. “Er, hi, Justin. Nice to talk to you,” I reply, cringing that I can’t think of anything cooler to say. “Thanks so much,” he responds politely.
Mereka ceritanya lagi ngomongin soal parfum Justin, Someday, yang laku banget itu. Nah, tapi bedanya, di Australia, tiap pembelian 100 ml parfum Someday, akan disumbangkan $2 ke Make-A-Wish foundation, yayasan charity Justin gitu. Dan dari keuntungan bersihnya pun, nantinya bakal disumbangin ke salah satu dari 20 yayasan charity internasional yang berhubungan sama Justin gitu, kayak Pencil of Promise dan lain-lain. kurang kece apa coba?
“I’m so blessed to be in this position,” he says. “With everything I do, I try to give back.”
“I love the fact young people can help other young people,” he says. “I grew up without a lot of money. There are kids around the world who don’t have the chance to go to school. I want to be able to help them, you know?”
Kebanyakan dari program-program dan yayasan charity Justin emang fokusnya sama anak-anak, khususnya ke anak-anak kurang mampu dan kurang beruntung untuk dapat masa depan yang baik. Selain itu, Justin juga ngobrolin soal sekolahnya. Dia kan baru selesai senior high gitu kan. Emang sulit sih buat nyisain waktu antara jadwal tour segabrek-gabrek, fans, album, dan juga sekolah.
“I just finished high school. I passed my test - I’m free! It was hard doing school and work every day.”
“That was something my mom really wanted me to do, so I had to do it for her,” he adds. “I mean, this kind of lifestyle has given me a different perspective on life. I’ve been able to travel the world. At school, usually you have to do a lot of writing and reading. I’m really not into that stuff. I like to be out there.”
Album Justin bakal keluar bulan Juni nanti, dan bakal featuring sama Kanye West dan Drake, dengan musik yang makin berkembang gitu.
“Yeah, what’s so important about this album is showing I’m growing up but I’m also not losing my fans,” he says. “My fans are growing with me and that’s why I think it’s very special.”
Justin juga ngomongin soal si Mariah Yeater, yang kemaren-maren ngaku kalo Justin adalah ayah dari anaknya --"
“There are people who say negative things,” he admits. “There are things I want to get off my chest that I haven’t been able to say. In interviews, I’m always held back, because I can’t say the wrong thing.”
“I mean, it can be frustrating at times but, you know, you have to be the bigger person and not let things get under your skin.”
Well, dan ini dia bagian yang bakal bikin lo galau ya pemirsah. pastinya, Justin juga ngomongin soal mbak selena #krik
“I don’t hide it, but I don’t go in anybody’s face,” he says with a sigh. “What I do in my home or in my own time is my personal life, so I don’t give too much of that away, but I also don’t hide it, you know?”
Orang yang mengerti bagaimana kehidupan stardom kayak gitu adalah *ehm* pacarnya *ehem* Selena Gomez. Mereka bertemu lewat manager mereka dan sekarang sudah berhubungan selama kurang lebih 18 bulan. Justin mengakui fakta bahwa dia sama Sele memiliki kehidupan yang sama, dengan pekerjaan yang menumpuk dan perjalanan internasional adalah pusat dari hubungan mereka.
“Yeah, that’s part of the reason we get on so well. But as I said, I like to keep that stuff private.”
“I don’t hide it, but I don’t go in anybody’s face,” he says with a sigh. “What I do in my home or in my own time is my personal life, so I don’t give too much of that away, but I also don’t hide it, you know?”
“Here’s the thing - I’m my own person,” he says. “I don’t make my decisions based around what people are going to think about me; I make them based on what I want to do and who I think I want to be. If none of this was happening, if there were no cameras around me, that’s the kind of person I’d want to be - a good person.”
Well? Ada komentar?
~ Ribka ~
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