Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Justin Bieber Instagram photo

Admin tau, kalian ini pecinta Justin, dan ga semua punya iPhone. admin tau kalian suka ngeliatin foto Justin, tapi ga bisa akses instagram. admin tau kalian sirik krn banyak beliebers yang bilang foto Justin via instagram bagus bagus banget dan dia makin ganteng. Jadi, admin bakal masukin foto-foto instagram Justin kesini (:
Selamat menikmati (;

caption: Why is this big table necessary for only two people??

caption:  Beautiful day in o

caption: I'm here for the food I swear

caption: Roadtrip

caption: Be jealous

caption: None

caption: #showyourhearts

caption: Next album is gonna be insane

caption: Sleeping beauty

caption: On a jet to nowhere

caption: Wait maybe it is. North pole here I come. If Santa asks me for a pic i gonna flip

caption: None

caption: Good lowdy woahdy

caption: Night....

caption: At a dope concert

caption: Welcome to Miami

caption: Skinny pants and some vans

~ Ribka ~

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